I am heartbroken and in shock!

Moria Camp on Lesvos, Greece has been devastated by a catastrophic fire. It housed 15,000 refugees.  It is now uninhabitable.

All the medical clinics are destroyed (*except for MSF located outside the camp). The isolation unit for Covid patients – GONE, Primary Care Clinics – GONE, Central Triage – GONE, Womens Health – GONE, Dental – GONE.

Shelters, iso boxes and tents destroyed and  thousands have lost everything AGAIN. The layers of trauma are unfathomable. These refugees are human beings from all walks of life, every strata of society, devastated by war, persecution, slavery and famine,  AND NOW THIS.

There is no red cross shelter or food bank for them. No insurance policy to cover their losses. Borders to other countries for asylum SHUT, very few countries allowing them in.  They are at the mercy of humanity and we must step up and help them.

And then there is covid!  37 refugees were in isolation at Moria Camp having tested positive. They are now unquarantined and among the masses lining the road with no shelter. The predictive models for spread are catastrophic.

I am begging you, those of you who know our work at Hands On Global, please, please donate. Anything $5 or $500 whatever you can.

PLEASE ~ This is a desperate situation.

Funds will be used for basic needs: shelters, food and resuppling the essential medical clinics. We have great trust in our colleague Omar Ashakal running logistics on the ground through Refugee4Refugees. He will coordinate the aide.

Our medical team will be on the ground Nov 5, 2020. We are not sure what that will look like. What we are sure of is there are tremendous needs and we will do our part.

The world is a scary and dangerous place right now. SO much going on, so much hate, violence, the pandemic and environmental disasters. I am overwhelmed on a daily basis. It is hard to stay centered in love and compassion. Most of us do have each other, family and community to support us through these difficult times. THESE REFUGEES do not have that. They feel forgotten and unwanted. Countries refuse to help, people scorn them thinking it is their fault.

Please hold them in your hearts, they are members of our human family, our brothers and sisters.


By mail: send check to Hands On Global 5210 Kerr Dr, Helena, MT 59602

Thank you,

Valerie Hellermann, Executive Director