Spent the day visiting patients. Many are far from families. We brought oranges and chocolate, massaged some hands and toes. We joked and chatted through a translator and hope we eased some of the pain or at least provided a distraction. Some were clearly in a lot of discomfort. Pain is treated with ibuprofen. It is hard to stomach these terrible life impacting injuries and the volume of patients. So many young men, middle-aged men – never intending to be a soldier and now a wounded civilian soldier fighting for democracy, their sovereignty.

This morning a train arrived from the eastern front with more wounded aboard. These trains arrive several times a week. They are met by ambulances and delivered to the trauma center. Today the surgeons are busy. Assessing, making a plan to save a limb or not, and then the long hours of surgery.

Early morning air raid sirens today. Strange how even we just look up from our coffee and consider to shelter or not.

I follow our challenging legislative session. I appreciate my representatives. How important our democracy is!!!!

Back in Ukraine with Valerie Hellerman and the Hands on Global team.