Nov 18: Saying goodbye to dear friends

2019-11-18T16:56:11+00:00November 18th, 2019|Categories: Greece, refugee, Samos|

This morning Charlotte, Alex, and I went to the Jungle and had tea and conversation with some of our friends. The hospitality was so sweet as we drank their very diluted tea. Then to visit the Ghana camp, deep inside the Jungle, where most of our translators live. They have made a cozy spot with chairs [...]

Nov 17: Deep admiration for these refugees

2019-11-18T16:37:15+00:00November 17th, 2019|Categories: Greece, refugee, Samos|

Our last clinic. From our end, time flew by. Many days, exhausted at the end, with tears flowing over evening wine. I would stay longer if I could. I have learned about perseverance, the extreme challenges to just survive, and I have deep admiration for these refugees. They have only hope to keep them going. [...]

Nov 16: Thanks to an amazing team

2019-11-16T22:06:03+00:00November 16th, 2019|Categories: Greece, refugee, Samos|

Today is busy and chaotic. One more day, and we are all feeling sad to be leaving. We have had an amazing team of doctors, nurses, a massage therapist and great support personnel and THE BEST VOLUNTEER TRANSLATORS, SECURITY, AND LOGISTIC TEAM of REFUGEES. THANK YOU ALL. We are having dinner tonight with the whole team [...]

Nov 14: Distribution Day

2019-11-16T00:16:30+00:00November 14th, 2019|Categories: Greece, refugee, Samos|

DISTRIBUTION DAY was a massive joint effort led by MSF (Doctors Without Borders) and R4R Refugee4Refugee) to distribute winter blankets, tarps and water jugs. The event was well organized but chaotic. Some of our team worked that site and some worked the warehouse. I worked in the distribution center for new arrivals.R4R provides a sleeping bag, [...]

Nov 11: There is magic

2019-11-14T17:20:56+00:00November 11th, 2019|Categories: Greece, refugee, Samos|

Early morning. Having a cappuccino down by the port. Enjoying the peaceful reflections on the water and reflecting about the Hands on Global experience. There is magic in this ngo. The right people always show up, with skills and open hearts and willingness to work long and hard. Our Tibetan Nurse Practitioner left early and a [...]

Nov 10: Space is running out

2019-11-12T16:25:20+00:00November 10th, 2019|Categories: Greece, refugee, Samos|

This is home for this family. When a person or family arrive they are only given a bag with a toothbrush and soap. No tent, no blanket. There is such a shortage of space and tents that there needs to be at least 4 people in order for refuge4 refugees to give a tent. The tents [...]

Nov 9: Frustration at the system

2019-11-10T16:27:58+00:00November 9th, 2019|Categories: Greece, refugee, Samos|

Today was one of those days of frustration at the system. Having to tell an 18 year old there is no dentist to pull out his infected, painful molars. He will have to just live with the pain, likely for years. A 53 year old woman who has an extremely high blood sugar level of 344, [...]

Nov 8: There is great kindness here

2019-11-10T16:12:02+00:00November 8th, 2019|Categories: Greece, refugee, Samos|

It takes a village to make our clinic happen. Our team is global from Slovakia, Romania, USA, Palestine, Ghana, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Cameroon, Tibet. We have great cooperation, and working together to serve our fellow humans here gives us strength . There is great kindness here. We are inquisitive about each other’s culture and respectful [...]

Nov 7: I want to praise Greece for caring

2019-11-09T05:50:13+00:00November 7th, 2019|Categories: Greece, refugee, Samos|

We have a Nurse Practitioner from Canada joining our team. She is very skilled and has done refugee work before so she was a seamless fit. Dr. Dan saw some really sick kids today, pneumonia’s, asthma. He said these are kids he would not send home and yet they are sent back to a tent [...]

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