October 12: Bittersweet thoughts on my way out

2021-10-13T16:43:40+00:00October 12th, 2021|Categories: Athens, Greece, Lesbos, Lesvos, refugee|

Six days in Athens and feeling like I know how to get around just one area of town. Traffic is insane. Today I walked for two hours as I don’t know when I’ll be back. Everything seems so expensive — I wonder how the refugees can afford living here if they get asylum. Valerie Hellermann continues to talk with medical [...]

October 5: What would you do to save your life?

2021-10-05T18:21:27+00:00October 5th, 2021|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Lesvos, refugee|

OMG I am devastated. My friend and colleague “AA” has just received his second asylum rejection today. Hands On Global worked with this man for over six months in the medical clinic. He is a hard worker, always putting in the extra time and energy, with great kindness. This man, from an unnamed African country, had been [...]

October 2: Back to camp on Lesvos Island

2021-10-05T15:03:46+00:00October 2nd, 2021|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Lesvos, refugee|

I have been in Athens and last evening arrived in Lesvos. It is difficult to figure out what is going on with the refugees situation. We met with the MVI team leaders. They say the island camps have less than 3000 refugees that 1000 s have left for the mainland and there are many homeless [...]

May 5: Returning to camp on Lesvos Island

2021-05-08T19:32:08+00:00May 5th, 2021|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Lesvos, refugee|

Both excitement and hesitation visit me as I’m driving back to Kara Tepe 2 refugee camp on Lesvos Island Greece.  I know I’ll see many familiar faces of both foreigners and refugees when I arrive.  This creates mixed feelings.  I would hope that all of the refugee friends that I had previously made would have been [...]

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