December 11: Finished last clinic here at camp.

2020-12-12T23:20:38+00:00December 11th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

Finished last clinic here at camp. I have loved working with the CMA and Healthbridge translators, the CMA team, the EODY team, MVI and the ABS German team. Each person did their best to deliver the best health care possible in very challenging conditions. It has been an honor to work together. I am very [...]

December 10: How will they sleep tonight? Will they be warm?

2020-12-12T23:07:59+00:00December 10th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

The wind was said to be 100 km. The noise in the tent was like a continuous roar and the ropes beating loudly on the walls. The wind so strong that my translator and I were knocked over a table and held there by the weight of the tent wall blowing in. The rain was torrential. [...]

December 9: Truth be told … Things are getting out of control!

2020-12-11T17:22:07+00:00December 9th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

This report is real. I have just seen the photo documentation of this event. I am shaking with pain for this inhumane situation -- THINGS ARE GETTING OUT OF CONTROL HERE. From Aegean Boat report. A human rights ngo monitoring the Aegean: On Saturday November 28th, at 22.00, a boat carrying 18 people landed in Ag. [...]

December 8: We must have the freedom to speak out!

2020-12-10T20:19:42+00:00December 8th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

From CHOOSE LOVE NGO: We cannot allow the truth about conditions in Greek camps to be hidden. New rules in Greece mean that anyone working inside refugee camps will now be bound by a confidentiality clause which could be used to ban them from sharing anything they see or hear. This censorship will make it harder [...]

December 7: Things are moving along in our last week.

2020-12-07T18:20:21+00:00December 7th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

Sunday. Day off. Tama and I went north to the life jacket graveyard to get life jackets for making bracelets. As we left the Skala skimos, the northern part of the island where refugee rafts generally come in, about 15 minutes north on a dirt road we came across a refugee camp. We were shocked. I [...]

December 1: Hard to sleep, thinking about the pain.

2020-12-02T16:00:34+00:00December 2nd, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

Tuesday triage, a cold evening by the sea. Emotionally challenging due to 2 patients. One a young man, disheveled, clearly suffering. He had deep wounds from cutting, huge bandages on one arm, and new cuts on his chest, begging for help. He has a psych appointment for three days later but is clearly in distress NOW. [...]

November 30: Great fun to just be having fun.

2020-12-02T15:42:47+00:00November 30th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

Sunday - not a day off, but a beautiful day. We finished up with the pharmacy storage at One Happy Family. Then went over to the Refugee4Refugees warehouse which has to be moved tomorrow to a new warehouse. Cathy, Sid, Lily, hard at work with the R4R team sorting through literally tons of donations put them [...]

November 30: Giving Tuesday – December 1

2020-11-30T17:39:29+00:00November 30th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

The Hands On Global team is still on the ground in Greece working at the new Kera Tempe Camp which houses close to 8,000 refugees. The conditions here are bleak: limited toilets, summer tents, cold water showers from a water bladder, no electricity.The worst is for those isolated by COVID. The isolation area is deplorable and [...]

November 28: The importance of NORMALCY

2020-11-30T17:02:13+00:00November 28th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

Saturday, a day off from the clinic. But still work to be done so the team split up. Cathy and Lily went to the Home For All warehouse and sorted and bagged clothes for distribution. There is an urgent need for warm clothes and coats as winter weather approaches . . , predicted for Monday. Tama, [...]

November 27: The really bright side are the refugee translators.

2020-11-28T23:29:11+00:00November 27th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

Grateful Thanksgiving week. It was wonderful to see all the posts of gratitude. It is early Saturday morning. I was planning to sleep in, but the external clock and the slightest hint of morning light have my eyes open, jumping out of bed for that first cup of coffee.The last 2 days of clinic flowed at [...]

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