This is a hard one – 9.24.2023

2023-09-24T21:12:14+00:00September 23rd, 2023|Categories: refugee, Turkey|

There is a shortage of medical care here as all the hospitals were destroyed. Woah … it is so hot today! It will be 97. The mosquitos are bad. We all have bites all over us. We are about halfway through our Türkiye commitment for team 1. Team 2 arrives Oct 6 and I leave for [...]

The Bus – 9.20.2023

2023-09-24T21:10:20+00:00September 20th, 2023|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

Extraordinary ways people are helping people Imagine having severe physical disabilities and because of the invasion you are making the decision to leave family and country with the likelihood you may never see them again. Crossing the border from Poland into Ukraine we met  Lucas (lives in Poland near German border), Paulina (Ukrainian living in Poland) [...]

Team 1: Hatay Türkiye – 9.16.2023

2023-09-24T21:11:49+00:00September 19th, 2023|Categories: refugee, Turkey|

The immensity of the tasks to recovery will take years and are overwhelming. We started in another Syrian camp where there is a lot of healthcare needs and the police came and told us to leave. We still seem to not have permission to help the neediest - which are the Syrian refugees. We packed up and [...]

Working in Turkey – 9.15.2023

2023-09-23T18:17:29+00:00September 15th, 2023|Categories: refugee, Turkey|

SETTING UP IN TURKEYThe Middle East is in turmoil: earthquake in Morrocco , floods in Libya. It has changed our plans a bit as medical first response teams in Turkey needed to leave for those new disaster zones. Our team split up. Hands On Global has sent three people to deliver supplies in Ukraine and then [...]

Reflections in Lviv, Ukraine – 3.16.23

2023-09-24T17:08:17+00:00April 1st, 2023|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

UKRAINE CONFLICT   This morning I was on my own in Lviv, a large urban city in the Ukraine.  It feels no different like being in a city center like San Francisco, Budapest, Vienna, Hamburg, etc.  I’m thankful we have a place to stay in the city center as it is so easy to be just another [...]

March 21: Reflections from a Cemetery

2023-03-22T20:30:51+00:00March 21st, 2023|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

UKRAINE CONFILCT   Reflections on walking through a cemetery of fresh graves of Ukrainian soldiers.We did not start out looking for this place. Had we known we were going to come across it, we might have shied away. We just walked around a corner and there it was - we were shocked, yet drawn in. A mixture [...]

March 20: To Save a Limb or Not

2023-03-21T00:57:47+00:00March 21st, 2023|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

UKRAINE CONFILCT   Spent the day visiting patients. Many are far from families. We brought oranges and chocolate, massaged some hands and toes. We joked and chatted through a translator and hope we eased some of the pain or at least provided a distraction. Some were clearly in a lot of discomfort. Pain is treated with ibuprofen. [...]

March 17: Today we met the war

2023-03-21T00:45:08+00:00March 17th, 2023|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

UKRAINE CONFILCT   Today we met the war. We drove to Zytomyr to deliver ortho supplies to a clinic. On the two hour drive we passed bombed out buildings, houses, bridges. In the town we saw the school, apartment buildings, houses and hospital that were hit by missiles.The hospital that is still standing has many complex patients, [...]

March 15: The Protez Prosthetic Center

2023-03-21T00:43:51+00:00March 15th, 2023|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

UKRAINE CONFILCT   The Protez Prosthetic Center is a joint project with two brothers, both Ukrainian, one living in Minnesota, the other here in Mukachevo. There are over 15,000 amputees and they need prosthetic limbs to heal. This organization has brought over 30 patients to the USA for complex prosthetics . There are over 750 on the [...]

March 12: Delivering Critical Orthopedic Equipment

2023-03-21T00:44:10+00:00March 12th, 2023|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

UKRAINE CONFILCT   Our team is now in Mukachevo, western Ukraine. Our many bags of trauma supplies have been loaded into a van and are on the way to the front lines in Bekhmut where there are raging battles with many injuries of Ukrainians and Russians.We have delivered critical orthopedic equipment to a trauma surgeon here. He [...]

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