This is a hard one – 9.24.2023

2023-09-24T21:12:14+00:00September 23rd, 2023|Categories: refugee, Turkey|

There is a shortage of medical care here as all the hospitals were destroyed. Woah … it is so hot today! It will be 97. The mosquitos are bad. We all have bites all over us. We are about halfway through our Türkiye commitment for team 1. Team 2 arrives Oct 6 and I leave for [...]

Team 1: Hatay Türkiye – 9.16.2023

2023-09-24T21:11:49+00:00September 19th, 2023|Categories: refugee, Turkey|

The immensity of the tasks to recovery will take years and are overwhelming. We started in another Syrian camp where there is a lot of healthcare needs and the police came and told us to leave. We still seem to not have permission to help the neediest - which are the Syrian refugees. We packed up and [...]

Working in Turkey – 9.15.2023

2023-09-23T18:17:29+00:00September 15th, 2023|Categories: refugee, Turkey|

SETTING UP IN TURKEYThe Middle East is in turmoil: earthquake in Morrocco , floods in Libya. It has changed our plans a bit as medical first response teams in Turkey needed to leave for those new disaster zones. Our team split up. Hands On Global has sent three people to deliver supplies in Ukraine and then [...]

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