November 23: The Triage line keeps growing.

2020-11-24T21:29:07+00:00November 24th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

Today Tama, Lily and I went to Home Away in the morning. Lily will be doing work in their warehouse where they do food and clothing distribution as winter is coming and people need coats. We stopped at their restaurant and asked if they could include hot food delivery to the covid isolation unit and they [...]

November 22: Who is responsible for the needs of refugees?

2020-11-24T20:56:19+00:00November 24th, 2020|Categories: Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

Thinking of all my family and community and the covid numbers in the USA. Here on the island there were 70 new cases yesterday. That is huge and people are wearing masks. The restaurants and most businesses are closed. Are there still gatherings of friends and family? I am not sure. Working in the camp we [...]

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