October 22: Hands on Global is heading back to Greece

2020-10-23T23:08:42+00:00October 23rd, 2020|Categories: DONATE NOW!, Greece, Greece Nov-Dec 2020, Lesbos, refugee|

Hands On Global team is heading to the refugee camps in Greece again. We are leaving the day after the election as many of us are working to get out the vote! This will be a difficult trip. The temporary camp after the Moria fire has already flooded twice. People are living in crowded summer tents [...]


2020-09-10T16:16:00+00:00September 9th, 2020|Categories: DONATE NOW!, Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

I am heartbroken and in shock! Moria Camp on Lesvos, Greece has been devastated by a catastrophic fire. It housed 15,000 refugees.  It is now uninhabitable. All the medical clinics are destroyed (*except for MSF located outside the camp). The isolation unit for Covid patients - GONE, Primary Care Clinics - GONE, Central Triage - GONE, [...]

March 16: With a heavy heart we are leaving.

2020-03-16T18:39:18+00:00March 16th, 2020|Categories: DONATE NOW!, Greece, Lesbos, refugee|

We are in the midst of a hell realm - a huge fire today inside the camp, one child died, several hundred now without shelter. What else can go wrong ? Well Covid 19, the medical NGOs talking but still no direct actions to deal with this, the Greek hospital unwilling to address the potential of [...]

Feb 27: Medicine and supplies are running low – please help & DONATE today!

2019-03-02T22:20:35+00:00February 27th, 2019|Categories: DONATE NOW!, donation, Greece, Immigration, refugee, Samos|

Especially challenging day today. We saw about 7 young men, all minors aged 16 and 17. They are here alone, escaping bad situations in their country, most of them VOT (victims of torture). They are supposed to be protected and sheltered away from the general population but these boys are camped in the jungle in [...]

Dec 9: Arrived at the border

2018-12-10T18:39:13+00:00December 10th, 2018|Categories: DONATE NOW!, refugee, South of the Border|

Our small team Leslie, Judy and I have arrived in Texas at the border. We have been instructed to be very careful with posts, no images and no details as to where we are. So I will describe things without names.There is a shelter in an old nursing home. We arrived after dark so we just [...]

Dec 3: Medical Care Shortage South of the Border

2018-12-03T16:49:03+00:00December 3rd, 2018|Categories: DONATE NOW!, refugee, South of the Border|

Just got word there is a shortfall in December medical care at the Texas/Mexico border. Our Hands On Global team is responding and tag teaming to cover December. There are a lot of SICK people needing medical attention. Leslie Gibbs NP, Judy Paton, Board Member and I leave Sunday 12/9. Dr Georgia Milan is home now [...]

Nov 27: Report From Dr. Georgia, South of the Border

2018-12-03T02:03:48+00:00November 27th, 2018|Categories: DONATE NOW!, refugee, South of the Border|

Hi Everyone! This is my 2nd day at the RGV Catholic Charities Respite Center. I am so glad to be here. The way things work down here in South Texas is that when folks cross the border seeking asylum, (and they present with probable cause for asylum) they are sent to the detention center, and [...]

Nov 26: Report From Dr. Georgia, South of the Border

2018-12-03T02:06:56+00:00November 26th, 2018|Categories: DONATE NOW!, refugee, South of the Border|

Hi Val and Friends, Today was my first day at the Respite Center of the Rio Grand Valley Catholic Charities, across the border from Reynosa. It was incredibly crazy. I saw 60 patients, many children, almost everyone from Honduras - although some from Guatemala and El Salvador. Everyone had children with them. There were many [...]

Nov 26: News From South of the Border

2018-12-03T02:07:43+00:00November 25th, 2018|Categories: DONATE NOW!, refugee, South of the Border|

Dr Georgia Milan of Hands On Global is on the Texas-Mexico border working with the Catholic Charity shelters providing medical care to the many people crossing the border. People are being released from detention centers on the US side and are really sick. There is an influenza epidemic. People with high fevers, coughs and flu [...]

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