Feb 26: “Here there is a feeling of depressed desperation.”

2019-02-26T19:01:10+00:00February 26th, 2019|Categories: Greece, Immigration, refugee, Samos|

Another cold and rainy day but the jungle clinic saw over 60 patients. One woman who had pneumonia was in the camp for 2 months and had NO COAT. She came in with a fever coughing and shivering so badly she couldn’t use her hands. We got her inside our van and Riikka made a [...]

Feb 25: “It is an emotional roller coaster here.”

2019-02-26T18:03:35+00:00February 25th, 2019|Categories: Greece, Immigration, refugee, Samos|

Yesterday was such a busy day. I came back to the Airbnb and planned on an hour rest . . . I slept in my clothes until 2 am. It is an emotional roller coaster here. The refugees we are seeing are all from Africa. They are so grateful. They are treated terribly in every way. [...]

Feb 24: Thank all of you for ”loving him without knowing him.”

2019-02-26T18:04:03+00:00February 24th, 2019|Categories: Greece, Immigration, refugee, Samos|

Spent yesterday organizing, preparing meds, wound care. Alex, our refugee coordinator, organized a meeting with some camp leaders. These folks are refugees. They are eager to help us and figured out a system that they will manage to keep crowds under control and ensure our safety. They shared their stories and their frustrations at being [...]

Feb 22: Welcome to “The Jungle”

2019-02-23T19:52:21+00:00February 22nd, 2019|Categories: Greece, Immigration, refugee, Samos|

We are here on a beautiful Greek island setting up to work outside a refugee camp in “the jungle“ -  the overflow of 4,500 people. The conditions are appallingly terrible. People are living in small tents, some have tarps, most don’t. There are only three porta potties so people are urinating and defecating in plastic bottles. [...]

Feb 19: Hands on Global is on their way to Samos, Greece!

2019-02-23T00:29:02+00:00February 19th, 2019|Categories: Greece, Immigration, refugee, Samos|

Our Hands On Global team is heading to Samos Island, Greece on FEB 20th. We had a medication packing party at my house and now have six 50 lb. bags of medicine ~  all ready to go. We have a portable exam table packed up, a portable ultrasound, a nebulizer and Marcia just called from [...]

Jan 11: Hands on Global is on the move!

2019-01-13T04:40:29+00:00January 13th, 2019|Categories: Immigration, refugee, South of the Border|

Hands On Global is on the move! A team is headed to Texas and Mexico Jan 26 thru Feb 7. Two local doctors have closed their offices and have donated a TON of really useful medical supplies. We have loaded up on supplies for our Texas team and sent several boxes to PAUL JAQUAY who is [...]

Dec 14: Coming from Africa to cross the southern border

2018-12-14T15:17:54+00:00December 14th, 2018|Categories: Immigration, refugee, South of the Border|

Interesting story to share. At the mission in the dump on the Mexican side, we met 3 men from Uganda. They came in to get some medical care at the clinic and we had a long conversation. They are political refugees from Uganda, dictators change there often apparently. They got to Mexico City and entered illegally [...]

Dec 13: Donation needed now!

2018-12-14T00:34:22+00:00December 14th, 2018|Categories: donation, Immigration, refugee, South of the Border|

Another long day. We crossed the border into Mexico around 8 am and went to the mission. There were people waiting. We set up and started to see people with similar issues, viral but some with chronic medical issues. Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) showed up around 9:30. They are a Mexican team. We [...]

Dec 11: Crossing into Mexico

2018-12-13T07:31:59+00:00December 11th, 2018|Categories: Immigration, refugee, South of the Border|

Long day. We crossed over to Mexico in the morning, intending to do some medical care at a park where folks were waiting. But when we arrived there was no one there. We called our contact who said there had been some incident with the cartels where people were kidnapped, killed and strung up. Apparently [...]

Dec 9: Arrived at the border

2018-12-10T18:39:13+00:00December 10th, 2018|Categories: DONATE NOW!, refugee, South of the Border|

Our small team Leslie, Judy and I have arrived in Texas at the border. We have been instructed to be very careful with posts, no images and no details as to where we are. So I will describe things without names.There is a shelter in an old nursing home. We arrived after dark so we just [...]

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