Oct 31: A Life Vest Not Fit To Save A Life

2018-11-03T18:47:34+00:00October 31st, 2018|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

Last night a boat came across with 50 people and the above image is the life jacket worn by a child, crossing the Agean! We have been asking Omar for life jackets for our bracelet project that Nancy is working on - we were appalled when he delivered this to us.A rough day, many emergencies. 3 [...]

Oct 30: Getting in the Rhythm

2018-10-31T17:26:51+00:00October 31st, 2018|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

Yesterday was another busy day. It is always full on here but we are in the rhythm. Tama is down with a virus, Karen and Scott are fighting sore throats and cough, Nancy fine. I shared a space yesterday with Karen who is doing such amazing work with massage, soothing injured bodies and calming minds. [...]

Oct 29: What is his story?

2018-10-30T03:46:46+00:00October 30th, 2018|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

Monday morning - lots of people needing to be seen, the entire team is working really well together and Hadi is smiling a lot more. Tama and Nancy got the shelves up. Tama flirted with the Greek construction laborers to get them assembled and they are up in the supply room and already filled with bins awaiting [...]

Oct 28: Sunday at the Clinic

2018-10-30T02:59:06+00:00October 29th, 2018|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

Sunday at the clinic - we only did emergencies today and pediatrics. It was busy. Tonight we gave Mohammad the money for the eye surgery. Hopefully the eye can be saved. We are all tired today. A day off, though much needed, breaks the rhythm and we have to readjust getting back to work. Maybe it [...]

Oct 27: A Day Off, Staying Focused

2018-10-30T03:50:06+00:00October 28th, 2018|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

Today was our day off, the clinic was closed. We slept in, washed our hair, did some laundry, met at Melis, our favorite coffee shop, then drove north to Skala Skimenos where the refugee boats arrive from Turkey on the north side. Boats also arrive near here in Mytilini. We met with members of an [...]

Oct 25: Hope in the Faces of Children

2018-10-27T03:25:22+00:00October 27th, 2018|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

{Today's Blog and Photos are brought to you by Leslie Gibbs} Moria is full of resiliency, and it is never more evident than in the children: the smiles on their faces, their quickness to hug and play ball, their eagerness to dance and learn english and math. These kids are the future, a generation that will [...]

Oct 24: This Work Is Full On

2018-10-27T03:37:57+00:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

We arrived this morning and within the first 5 minutes, a young man was brought in - an attempted overdose. Quickly the team responded and got an IV in him. He was immediately transferred out by ambulance to the hospital. I don't know his story but the conditions here are unbearable. Because the Greek government clinic [...]

Oct 23: Chaos in the Clinic

2018-10-26T00:05:58+00:00October 24th, 2018|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

The team arrived this morning to find that Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was closed and there were a ton of sick kids and babies. There were barely any pediatric medicines at the clinic but THANKS TO YOUR DONATIONS we have them!!!! Tara sent an SOS, Nancy flew over to the house to get them and also [...]

Oct 22: 1st Day at Camp

2018-10-23T14:12:28+00:00October 23rd, 2018|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

First day. We met Omar at 8:15 and he showed us how the Olive Grove Camp grew - now over 2000 refugees living in tents and tarps. Some have used wood pallets to make a floor and raise the tent above the water that floods each time it rains. They are preparing for the cold, winter [...]

Oct 21: Arrived in Mytilene

2018-10-23T14:30:35+00:00October 22nd, 2018|Categories: Greece, Lesbos, Moria Refugee Camp 2018, refugee|

Long haul but here we are in Mytilene, the capital and port of the island of Lesbos. Scott missed his connection due to engine failure but was re-routed and will be arriving tonight. We are taking a siesta and then heading to meet Omar from Refuge4Refugees. We will go over to the camp tomorrow to do an orientation [...]

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