About Valerie Hellermann

Valerie works endlessly toward her lifetime goal: To build a stronger, healthier, equitable and peaceful global community.

March 25: The stress of war on the body and soul

2022-04-02T20:42:30+00:00March 25th, 2022|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

Oh, the stress of war on the human body and soul. Today we held so many weeping people in our arms. And people who never had high blood pressures with bps so high. One gentleman who is alone in the shelter with no family, who has lost his home to bombings, came to us with a [...]

March 24: The painful reality of war

2022-04-02T20:36:37+00:00March 24th, 2022|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

This beautiful child we saw in clinic today has just lost her father. He was a civilian soldier fighting for his homeland in Kyiv. This is the painful reality of war, fatherless children and a young widow.Fighting continues, bombs continue to be dropped. The humanitarian corridors were supposed to be open for some hours yesterday for [...]

March 23: Urgent need for trauma supplies and medicines

2022-04-02T20:32:50+00:00March 23rd, 2022|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

Met with the head of Ministry of Health for western Ukraine today. We met at the humanitarian distribution center where international NGOs and governments shipments come. From there volunteers sort and ship out to the areas of need. When we asked about the drivers he said that they were heroes, as the humanitarian corridors are not [...]

March 22: Kindness, solidarity and compassion

2022-04-02T20:27:10+00:00March 22nd, 2022|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

A warm and sunny day today. The HOG team went across the border to Ukraine and I stayed in Romania. I spent the day buying medications, organizing medications and doing the paperwork. I arranged a shipment from Omar’s to Kharkiv for tomorrow. We are preparing to transition to Team 2. First person to arrive is Lina [...]

March 21: Nightly air raids

2022-04-02T20:17:11+00:00March 21st, 2022|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

Crossing the border from Romania to Ukraine today we met a woman going back into Ukraine, She was crying. She had just brought her daughter to Romania and was leaving to return to Kyiv because she had an invalid mother there. She had to return to care for her because there was nobody else. Her journey [...]

March 18: Liviv was bombed last night

2022-04-02T20:11:43+00:00March 18th, 2022|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

This morning, arriving at another refugee shelter in the university dorm, people were really stressed and exhausted. Liviv was bombed last night and the air raid sirens went off starting at 3 am until 5 am. They go off whenever a missile is detected. The people have to leave their beds and go into a make [...]

March 17: Saying goodbye to one’s husband …

2022-04-02T20:05:25+00:00March 17th, 2022|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

This morning, crossing the border, we saw 2 youngish-looking women saying goodbye to their husbands. Long hugs, many tears. I couldn’t take their photo and intrude on what could be a final moment between them. I barely held back my tears thinking, could I say goodbye to my husband or son knowing he was an unprepared, [...]

March 15: Ready to begin tomorrow

2022-03-31T01:48:01+00:00March 15th, 2022|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

Today we got organized. We went through all our medicines and medical supplies, went to a pharmacy in Silet. Tomorrow we start 15 days of refugees centers in Chernivtsi, Ukraine as long as there is no military action. The Ukraine Ministry of Health has approved all our documents and credentials. We have secured a car [...]

March 13: On the ground

2022-05-05T22:54:38+00:00March 13th, 2022|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

HANDS ON GLOBAL ON THE GROUND IN UKRAINE HOG has been operating in the Ukraine since March 9, 2022.  Each evening since then, the Ukrainian Health Ministry has contacted the HOG team lead and provides their next day’s schedule. The HOG Mobile Clinic is usually assigned to a strategic location to set-up its operation. This [...]

March 7: HOG is flying to Romania

2022-03-31T01:48:44+00:00March 7th, 2022|Categories: refugee, Ukraine|

NEWS UPDATE UKRAINE CRISIS Members of the Hands On Global Medical Team are flying to Romania March 9,2022. They will be joining Refuge4Refugees and setting up a medical clinic in Siret where people are fleeing the war in Ukraine. We will blog from the ground. Donations are needed to assist with medical support and other items [...]

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